.. _sink-config-options: HTTP Sink Configuration Options ------------------------------- Connection ^^^^^^^^^^ ``http.api.url`` HTTP API base url. * Type: string * Importance: high ``request.method`` Request method used to interactr with the HTTP API (PUT/POST/DELETE). * Type: string * Default: POST * Importance: high ``headers`` HTTP Request Headers. * Type: string * Default: null * Importance: low ``header.separator`` Seperator used in the headers property. * Type: string * Default: | * Importance: low Regex ^^^^^ ``regex.patterns`` Character separated list of regex patterns to match in the payload. * Type: string * Importance: low ``regex.replacements`` Character separated list of string to use as replacements for the matches to the patterns in regex.patterns. * Type: string * Importance: low ``regex.separator`` Character separator to use with regex.patterns and regex.replacements. * Type: string * Default: ~ * Importance: low Retries ^^^^^^^ ``max.retries`` The maximum number of times to retry on errors before failing the task. * Type: int * Default: 10 * Valid Values: [0,...] * Importance: medium ``retry.backoff.ms`` The time in milliseconds to wait following an error before a retry attempt is made. * Type: int * Default: 3000 * Valid Values: [0,...] * Importance: medium Batching ^^^^^^^^ ``batch.key.pattern`` Pattern used to build the key for a given batch. ${key} and ${topic} can be used to include message attributes here. * Type: string * Default: someKey * Importance: high ``batch.max.size`` The number of records accumulated in a batch before the HTTP API will be invoked. * Type: int * Default: 1 * Valid Values: [0,...] * Importance: high ``batch.prefix`` Prefix added to record batches. This will be applied once at the beginning of the batch of records. * Type: string * Importance: high ``batch.suffix`` Suffix added to record batches. This will be applied once at the end of the batch of records. * Type: string * Importance: high ``batch.seperator`` Seperator for records in a batch. * Type: string * Default: , * Importance: high